About Me...
Hi, my name is Janue or Dr. J. I am an Associate Professor, and I oversee Professional Learning at my institution. I collaborate with the campus community to build professional learning experiences around various topics connected to supporting student success.
I want to share, connect, and support communities and programs that value students and build equity into educational experiences.
The blog, the upcoming podcast, and other projects on this website reflect my creative interests and my professional activities.
Please reach out for more information about designing equity-minded professional learning, my professional learning framework, or other resources.
My Why...
I believe in centering myself in equity-mindedness. I
love working with education professionals. I love supporting others in building their vision.
A pillar of equity-mindedness is to critically reflect upon one’s role and responsibilities (Bensimon). bell hooks, described this process as praxis, “action and reflection upon the world to change it” (Teaching to Transgress, p. 14).

Projects &

________________________ Nandi Zulu is a 501(c)(3) org for women of African ancestry who serve to support and empower community college women students, faculty, staff and administrators.

______________________ Savvy Scholar Podcast. Hosted by Kristal Kinloch. Get to know Savvy Scholar, Dr. Janue Johnson. We discuss professional path, fitness, and HBCUs.

________________________ In this episode, I Zoom in Dr. J. and we chat about her journey into education, and how she went from Oakland to the halls of academia.

________________________ Nandi Zulu is a 501(c)(3) org for women of African ancestry who serve to support and empower community college women students, faculty, staff and administrators.